Saturday, February 2, 2013

WIP- Grand Marquoir

Sharing my WIP with you all. I am determined to get this finished this year. It really is so pretty and there is no reason for it to sit around unfinished for years and years, lol. The first two blocks have been finished for ages and the B was partially finished. Planning on spending tomorrow doing dishes and stitching on this. Hoping to get the rest of the 4th block, the C and the 6th block done. Its a stretch but I think I can...I think I can :)


  1. WTG Tara! This is going to be a lovely piece. Looking forward to watching it progress. :) Cathryn

  2. It's looking good. I need to pick my colors so I can do mine.

  3. Gorgeous colours - looking forward to seeing your progress on this.
