Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Finishes

I've gotten two new finishes in. Love them both. Haven't made them into ornaments yet and sadly I don't see it happening real soon. 
The first is from Blueladie Designs. It's so cute and reminds me of a cat I had. He wouldn't leave the tree alone and many times I would find broken balls on the floor where he would bat them around. You can find it here... 

The next one is from Brookes Books. Who doesn't love kitties even if they are grumpy? Everyone can relate to this fella.  You can find it here....

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grand Marquoir

I've been trying to stitch some every night and have been making progress on Grand Marquoir. I would love to have this done by the end of the year and I am pretty sure I can. Two pages down, four to go.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Two Finishes!

It's a miracle! I have two finishes in one week haha. The first one I have been taking to Corys therapy appts. It was easy since there wasn't a lot of color changes. Working on the pumpkin I noticed this looks like a duck now that is all I see in it. I found the pumpkin freebie here

I love this little Reindeer Kiss Ornament. So cute and pretty fast, even for this slow poke. you can find this one here.. then go to gift design.

My plans are to work on Grand marquoir tomorrow since it hasn't seen the light of day in ages. Here I had a plan to finish it this year. Haven't stitched nearly as much as I would have liked and this year is flying by. The whole house is sleeping guess I should too.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quincy's Wedding

On September 21st we welcomed a new member to our family. NOT a baby thank goodness but I now have a son-in-law. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL. It took us 3 months to get the property cleaned up and ready but it was so worth it. It seriously looked like it could have been in a magazine. Here's a few pictures.
Quincy and her Daddy

Reading their vows

My favorite picture

Mr and Mrs

Dustin, me, Cory, Quincy, Dakota, Patti (Dustins mom) and Jeff (Dustins step dad)

Groom and his men

Bride and her girls

Entrance dance, the wobble

Quincy made all the cupcakes the night before but bought the cake from Kroger

This was a 100 year old tree on my mother in laws property. We sanded it and Quincy and Dakota burnt the letters into it.
This is all of their siblings. Quincy's are the one in the very back Jake, Cory is up front, Baylee is next to Dakota (the Groom) and Blaise is in the white next to Baylee. The rest are Dakotas. Sadly not one of their siblings are full siblings but that sure doesn't stop them from being close and loving each other.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Kitties and a finish

Happy 4th y'all!
I've got a small finish in this week. Mary passed this to me a year or two ago. Just been saving it for a special teacher. It was a quickie. I stitched this for Corys teacher. She was his inclusion teacher last year. She is awesome and really goes out of her way to help the kiddos. She has even been coming twice a week to work with his this summer for a measly $30. She found out at the end of the school year they are moving her to another school. I wanted to do something special for her. I really wish the name on the apple showed up better but I think she will like it and I think it will be perfect for her desk. Can't wait for her to come so I can give it to her.
Our cat had babies again. This is her last litter (thank goodness). She was a better mommy this time and I haven't had to feed them. They were born on June 1st. Dustin has decided we are keeping them all. I think he is a little crazy since we already have 3 adult cats. Yes they are all adorable but holy cow that is a lot of cats, lol. Planning on getting them all fixed when we get Sal fixed. Sal is looking a little skinny and drained so I started them on moist canned cat food today and they loved it.


Since I have finished the teachers gift I haven't done much stitching. I am on a coupon kick and really wanting to learn about couponing. I want free or cheap stuff, lol. Do you coupon and do you have any tricks or favorite websites? 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pumpkin Stack Finished

Last night I finished Pumpkin Stack. It is a freebie from VeeandCo. I started this forever ago. So glad it's finished. I think it is so cute. I love happy little pumpkins.

Now I am off to find something for Corys tutor. She was his IEP teacher last year and has been awesome enough to tutor him this summer. I see progress! She found out they are moving her to another school so he won't have her next year. She is so great with Cory and I hate to see her go.

Hopefully more progress pics soon.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pumpkin Stack and Willow

Decided this week I was going to work on an old WIP. Not sure when I started it but I took a before picture Monday before picking it up. I see progress :) Not too bad since I didn't get to stitch allthat much. School is out and I have had a houseful of kids. I don't see things slowing down much.

Here's a sad pic if I've ever seen one. Woke up this morning and a huge piece of our williow was on the ground. Although it has lots of green the inside is dead. Some bugs have taken over it and have made the insides mush. It has grown twice the size of the other williow we planted at the same time. This one is at the end of one of the septic fingers. We cut the tree down and will be starting the removal process. We have a feeling this tree has caused damage to the finger. My yard looks naked now. Will be looking for something less invasive for that spot. Maybe some pretty flowers :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hummingbird and Stitching

Haven't been stitching much. As usual life is busy. I sat down this weekend determind to do some stitching. I'm thinking I will make this into a cube. It was a quick finish.
I couldn't find my big feeders but found two small ones. Last night we grilled out and saw this little one eating. Need to buy more. At one time we had 5 big feeders and at least 20 birds at one time. I

Monday, May 6, 2013

Novalee SAL and Mushrooms

It's been slow going for me. So much going on. I've been taking Cory back and forth to school and he now has weekly occupational therapy appointments. School gets out in less than a month. Don't know if that will mean more or less stitching, lol. It had finally started getting warm until Friday and we have had rain ever since. It is gloomy and cold and yes I have turned the heat on once. Trying really hard to keep it off but when Cory is cold he wants heat. 

I have finished 4, 5 and 6 of the Novalee Christmas Sampler 2012. Really wished I would have chosen a darker fabric since it is kind of hard to see where some colors start and some end. Waiting for the next part. Not sure what I will stitch. It is a toss up between Grand marquoir and a Halloween one I started forever ago. 

It is morel season here in Indiana. They were late coming up but boy are they big. My dad found these. His honey hole is miles away and I haven't had the time to go with him. These things are Mmmm so yummy. I've started my diet again (yes its like the 20th time this year, lol) so I made sure I ate a lot. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grand Marquoir

Really enjoying working on Grand Marquoir. I think it is funny when you have been working on something and not really into it then one day it's like oh this is fun. That's me right now. I really think I can get this done this year. I'm going to take a short break and work on the Christmas SAL from last year. Here is where I am stopping. Probably won't work on it any this week so I can get something done on the SAL.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

WIP- Grand Marquoir

Sharing my WIP with you all. I am determined to get this finished this year. It really is so pretty and there is no reason for it to sit around unfinished for years and years, lol. The first two blocks have been finished for ages and the B was partially finished. Planning on spending tomorrow doing dishes and stitching on this. Hoping to get the rest of the 4th block, the C and the 6th block done. Its a stretch but I think I can...I think I can :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sneaky Tresspasser

House sitting for a friend and I found this adorable tresspasser. Cute little fella

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Novalee SAL

I'm behind on the novalee SAL but here are parts 2 and 3. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snow and first finish of 2013

A while back we had a ton of snow. Took Cory and my nephew Austin sledding at a friends house. Sharing a few pictures with you. I LOVE Corys hat. It always makes me smile :)

And this is my first finish of 2013. It was a freebie in the Blueladie newsletter. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to stitch it on black and make a biscornu. Green is also my favorite color. Not sure about the big bead in the middle. It was from a necklace we used for Halloween, it broke and I am a packrat....need I say more, lol.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

More Winter

Cory loves helping his papaw build things. Today they built a bird feeder. That was perfect since I bought feed a few days ago and didn't have a feeder. Here's some pics of the birds enjoying the new feeder.
 Pine tree
 Here's the new feeder along with a bird house my dad made last year and a block Cory tied a rope too. He said the birds can step on it if they get tired flying. LOL