Friday, April 27, 2012

Birthday Continued Pets and Corys New Room

I've had a busy week. My daughter moved in with her boyfriend on Saturday. I miss her like crazy but have been staying busy. Got lots of pics to show you this week. 

This is Roo. She is 4 months. She is as bad as having a toddler. Always have to pick up her messes. 

 Cindy in thestitcherhood yahoogroup sent Cory an awesome package. Poor little guy is always sick. He loved this so much :) Thank you Cindy for making his day. That was soo sweet of you.

Here's a couple of pics of our new babies. They were born Monday the 23rd. There are 4 babies. All are super cute. We was a few months late on getting Sal fixed :( Really don't need more pets...

To keep busy this week we have been fixing up Quincys old room for Cory. His old one was tiny. Please don't judge when you see the pic. This is the ultimate worst it has ever been. He dragged home the plastic kitchen a few days ago and didn't want to leave it outside because he was afraid the dogs would eat it. It is out there now. I haven't cleaned his room for a while knowing he would be moving into the new room. For the record he is usually only in there to watch t.v. or to mess it the second I clean it. 

 I forgot to take a before picture of Quincys room. The wall that is already painted was orange and the rest of the walls were purple. Cory came in to help but got fired after he painted the electrical outlet. 

 Here is his finished room. The things on the wall are Phineas and Ferb decals. The paint matches Perry (wasn't planned that way). Cory loves it. This room is huge compared to the old one. His bed is big and he has a bigger t.v (that is 15 years old). Hoping the t.v lasts a while longer so we can save up. I threw away so much that it filled our dumpster. It doesn't get emptied until Wednesday so I don't know what we will do with our trash but I am glad the room is cleaned. 

 Here is Corys old room all cleaned up. It is now my room for my treasures :) The dresser by the window is going to Quincy then I can rearrange it. I want to put up some shelves but that will have to wait until we get some money. It took 2 days to do everything. SOOOO glad it is done. The rest of the house is trashed but I'm ok with that for now.

 Got some more birthday goodies this week. These are from Kaghos. Thank you Kaghos. I love these. 

 I ordered these with the gift cards I received. I'll probably start on the horse after I get caught up on the Sweet Flowers SAL because I want to give it to Quincy. I think she will love it. 

Lastly is the April part of the Kyk SAL. I still think I am going to stitch these again to make a 15 sided biscornu. These are fun and quick to stitch.

Thanks for looking :)


  1. Wow! What a huge change! You've been one busy girl!

  2. Wow! The rooms look wonderful! Your stitching looks adorable and I love the new stash!

  3. wow wow wow, you had a great helper with someones room. looks great. also looks like you got a lot of goodies for you birthday.

  4. Very nice job on Cory's new room and yea for you for getting your own little treasure trove. :)
